Manage Custom Fields | Community
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Manage Custom Fields

  • 12 April 2024

Hello all!

« Manage Custom Fields » was recently added to Manager in the “Specification” menu.

We started to use the following fields: Engine Fuel Type, Engine manufacturer, Engine model, Engine serial number.

From the menu “My Fleet”, I don’t see the information entered in the fields mentioned above.

Does anyone have a clue why?

My expectation would be to extract an Excel table from “My Fleet” and see this valuable information.


Thanks to anyone who could provide new details or information on the subject.



3 replies

Hi Daniel.

It should be visible on the Fleet list. We will investigate why it is not visible to you. Thanks for reporting.

Best regards,

Mads Tandrup

Hi Daniel.

We have located the error and released a fix. So now you should be able to see custom fields in the fleet list. Let us know if it doesn’t work for you.


As for export, we are currently working on an improved export/import feature. Custom fields will be included in this feature.


Best regards,

Mads Tandrup

Userlevel 2

Good morning,

Thank you for the update. I confirm that I am able to see the custom fields in my fleet.

For export/import it is good news. Keep me informed when it is available.


