Updating Service info | Community
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Updating Service info

  • 2 April 2024

I have a fleet of units that are being transferred over to Trackunit from Onei3.  I am creating service plans for the units and would like to know how to add service history to units so that the service timer is going off of the correct hours for each unit.

5 replies

Userlevel 3

Hi Tyler!

Thanks for reaching out :)   After you’ve created your service plan(s), you will need to assign them to your units.  When a service plan is assigned, the start date (for counting the hours) defaults to the date of assignment. However, once they are assigned to the units you can change the start date of your plan for each unit to a date in the past.  For example, if in Onei3 the last service date for Unit A was Jan 30th 2024 and the service timer was at 500h, you can set the date of your service plan for Unit A to start from Jan 30th 2024 and the service plan will start counting from 500h.  Please see the screenshot below on how to change the start date of the plan.


Note: if you have a technical team, you are also able to do update the start dates of the service plans via API to complete this task in bulk.  Also, if the servicing conditions are the same for all your units (e.g.- all units have to be serviced every 250 hours), you only need to create one service plan and assign them to all your units and they will all come due based on their individual hour timer.



Hope this helps!

That option does not appear


Userlevel 3

Hi Tyler-  Seems like there is a small UI bug at the moment where the icon for the menu is not visible.  We are already working on a fix and that should be out by the end of today.  However the menu is still there, you just need to hover on the top right corner of the box and you’ll see a gray circle where your pointer is.  Click on that and it should open up the menu.  I’m so sorry for the inconvenience!


I found the menu and was able to change the start date of the plan, but I need to add the hours of the last service so the counter works correctly.

Userlevel 3

Hi Tyler,

This functionality is currently being built and we expect to release this in a month or so, where you will be able to add in the hours from the last service to ensure the counter works correctly.


