My IT department has asked me to get access to Trackunit’s APIs - what now? | Community
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My IT department has asked me to get access to Trackunit’s APIs - what now?

  • 11 September 2023

Your IT team has probably found our Developer Hub documentation and is excited about using our API suite to build an integration to one of your other systems. The developers can find all that they need in our API documentation, but they will need one thing from you: a so called API user.So if you are an admin user in our Trackunit Manager application, then you can create this API user for you team in a few simple steps:

  • Find the "API Access" page in the upper right corner of your Trackunit Manager account
  • Create a new API User by clicking "Create New API User"
  • Copy all the details that are presented to you (including client ID, client secret, user name and password)

Important: Beware that the password will only be visible this one time when you create the API user, so make sure that you copy all the information immediately and store it in a safe place.

After you copied the information for the API user, you only need to send this information to your IT team and they will be able to take it from there.

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