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developments around Kin Technology

  • 16 October 2023

Hi Trackunit, our organization is applying KIN technology on a lot of our machine attachments. Currently we have more than 700 active KIN devices in our fleet. We however are being facing with missing platform functionalities. We have been addressing these multiple times, so maybe we can get into a conversation on these on the short term?

Reporting on KIN’s is still very limited. For example, I am not able to report on a machine level which KIN’s are associated to a machine. We can only see which KIN was reported over which device. This is a very big limitation!

Will the GPS accuracy improve of reported KIN’s? When a high number of KIN’s are located on one stop (depot) is practically impossible to pin-point a specific unit.

When will we be able to directly add a new KIN towards a group?

When can we expect a KIN specific API?


We have another 800 attachments on which we want to connect the KIN technology, but without the above features, the business case doesn’t justify the investment anymore.


With kind regards,

Cees Roest, Operational Manager, Gebr. Kok

Hi @CeesRoest 👋

Thanks for your message!

We are aware of some of the use cases you mentioned, such as “able to report on a machine level which KIN’s are associated to a machine.”. Definetely something for the product team wants to think about it.

In regards to “Will the GPS accuracy improve of reported KIN’s? When a high number of KIN’s are located on one stop (depot) is practically impossible to pin-point a specific unit.” Can you clarify what you mean with “is practically impossible to pin-point a specific unit.”? Pin-point in what way?

Regarding “When will we be able to directly add a new KIN towards a group?” it’s possible to do so now, directly on Trackunit Go, after finishing onboarding a Kin tag.

Lastely, in regards to “When can we expect a KIN specific API?” Can you share more details on what you expect from such API? Today, we have the Assets API which covers use cases regarding Kin, such as onboarding/offboarding tags, for example.

Looking forwards for your reply @CeesRoest!

Best regards
