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The speed of page loading has been very poor for some time. Are the developers aware of this?

What used to take 1-2 seconds now takes 5-10 seconds.

A detailed query from several days can only be processed with a significant delay.

Hi @Klaus_ML,


Thanks for reporting the issue on load times. 

We have a number of systems and metrics that we constantly measure, but there might be a place where we haven’t configured the right alert. Could you add a bit more details to where you are seeing increased load times? 

  • Specific pages
  • API 

Would be helpful for our troubleshooting.



All devices that you want to look at in more detail are affected.
The GPS + utilization area takes the longest.
If you now want to look at the utilization for 1 day, it takes just as long again.

You can't go back or forward to the next day.
So go back to the overview and wait.
This is all impractical.

Hi @Klaus_ML! A perfomance fix has been released  today that will improve load time. There’s still ongoing troubleshooting. Can you confirm that you see any improvements?

